2.18.19 Annotation Proofing and Abstract Editing
To check the annotation of the phage NapoleonB and to edit/create an abstract for our assigned group.
- Using an already auto annotated version of NapoleonB on DNA Master and the NapoleonB phage notes, gene 18 was checked to ensure the LORF was correct.
- Using different elements from each of our own abstracts, a group abstract was compiled and submitted.
Gene 18 was verified as having the correct LORF. Our abstract included both Kathryn and Cooper’s abstracts as the basis for the structure, while elements of my material and methods and Lily’s introduction were also used.
It can be concluded that the current annotation of gene 18 is correct and that our abstract matches up with the expectations set forth.
Next Steps:
The next step will be to continue working on a class abstract for our scholars week poster presentation and to begin working on our independent research project.