NapoleonB genes 42,43, and 44 annotations
Rationale: Finish annotations for NapoleonB genes 41-44. Use knowledge from past few practice annotations to start NapoleonB annotations.
Procedure: NapoleonB FASTa file downloaded from PhageDB, and loaded onto DNA Master. Gene auto-annotated and frames were viewed. NCBI, HHPred, PhageDB, and Phamerator were all pulled up to annotate gene 41. The product of Gene 41 was copied and pasted onto NCBI, HHPred, PhageDB, and Phamerator. Results were analyzed and annotations were placed into PhageNotes.
Gene 42-44 annotation below followed by NCBI, HHPred, GeneMark, and PhageDB:
Gene 42
SSC: 29359 – 30117, CP: The genes covers all coding potential present, SCS: Both, ST:SS, BLAST-Start:Aligns with Circum gp44 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 1 o.00, overlap:2bp gap, LO: NA, RBS: Kibler7 and Karlin Medium 2.404 -3.893 No, F: NFK, SIF-BLAST: NFK, SIF-HHPred: NFK, SIF-Syn: NFK
Gene 43
SSC: 30128 – 30379, CP: No no coding potential near the start, SCS: Both, ST:SS, BLAST-Start:Aligns with KeaneyLin gp42 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 1 2E-43, Gap:12bp gap, LO: NA, RBS: Kibler7 and Karlin Medium 1.687 -5.326 No, F: NFK, SIF-BLAST: NFK, SIF-HHPred: NFK, SIF-Syn: NFK
Gene 44
SSC: 30291 – 30815, CP: No Longest ORF available for this reading frame, SCS: Genemark, ST:NI, BLAST-Start: Aligns with Circum gp46 NCBI BLAST q1:s1 1 6E-106, Aligns with Circum gp46 PhageDB BLAST q1:s1 1 1E-83, Gap: 87bp overlap, LO: Yes, RBS: Kibler7 and Karlin Medium 1.701 -5.296 No, F: NKF, SIF-BLAST:NKF, SIF-HHPred: NKF, SIF-Syn: NKF
Conclusions: Annotation of gene 42,43, and 44 had no known functions.
Future plans: Review genes 41-44.