Annotation of Genes 20 and 21
To finish the annotaion of genes 20 and 21 in order to continue the annotation of Elesar’s genome. Identify the function of the gene by comparing the functions of other proteins the genes were matched up with.
- First BLASTed gene 20 and found the function of the gene that was the closest match
- Opened HHpred
- For selected databases deleted existing database and entered COG_KOG_v1.0 and Pfam-A_v32.0
- Entered the information about the protein the matched including the function
- Looked for synteny by looking at the possible function of the surrounding genes to look for genes with similar functions
- Entered the predicted funtion of the gene
- Did the same for gene 21 as gene 20
- The BLAST of gene 20 showed that the possible function of the gene could be a tail protein
- HHpred also indicated that gene 20 was a phage tail protein
- The BLAST of gene 21 indicated it was a minor tail protein
- HHpred showed no known function for gene 21
- Both genes 20 and 21 are likely minor tail proteins
Fig.1 – This image shows the hits for gene 20 that were found using HHpred. The top bar is the protein that matches most closely to gene 20.
The last of the annotations for gene 20 and 21 were finished and entered into the notes section of the gene in DNA Master. The function of these genes was also predicted using BLAST, HHpred, and synteny. Next lab I will annotate other genes in the same way that genes 20 and 21 were annotated.