February 5

Elesar Annotation 2/4/19

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Rationale: Continue annotating Elesar Genes 26 and 27 using HHPred, to continuing gaining proficiency in DNA Master.


  • Opened HHpred on a browser.
  • Loaded Gene 26 Protein Sequence into protein sequence input.
  • Reconfigured the Databases to COG and Pfam.

  • Searched for matches in the HHPred databases.

  • Organized information into notes in the description of gene 26.

Based on the SIF Blast and SIF HHPred, the gene codes for an Endopeptidase, however, the synteny doesn’t match well with the surrounding genes.

  • Repeated the same process with gene 27, and updated the notes in DNA Master

Gene 27 is similar to a Bacteriophage Holin, but there is not enough information to call the function. In addition, if it were to code for a Holin, the function would through off the synteny of the whole stream of genes.

  • Transferred all genetic notes to the QTM spreadsheet


All notes are uploaded and functions are called to the best of my ability with. The synteny is off, which is interesting, but the two (likely) lysin genes are near each other. They are also both very similar to bacterial proteins, though this may be the result of prophages in those bacteria.

Future Plans: Continue annotating these genes further, and refine function further.

Posted February 5, 2019 by Shepard Saabye in category Uncategorized

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