February 5

02/04/19- The function and SIF annotation

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to learn to completely annotate the genes in the genome of Elesar


  1. open  DNA master
  2. Open FastA file for elesar using the following steps, File>open>FastA multiple sequence file> Choose Elesar.FastA
  3. click export on window with the extracted file and then choose Create sequence from this entry only.
  4.  to see the frames, go to DNA> Frames.
  5. then click ORF on the new window to see the highlighted genes.
  6. In google, open NCBI and pBLAST.
  7. in DNA Master, click the product tab to see the protein sequence.
  8. copy and paste the sequence in the BLAST window and BLAST the protein sequence.
  9. The first and best match was a hypothetical protein, so there was no known function for SIF-BLAST.
  10. Then HHpred was opened in google. for the database, select COG_KOG_v1.0 and Pfam-A_v32.0. BLAST the protein sequence.
  11. based on the e-value of the first match, there was no known function for SIF HHpred. the same goes for  SIF Syn.
  12. the process was repeated for Gene 15.


Gene 14 final annotation:

SSC:8837-9250 CP:no SCS:both ST: BLAST-Start: Arhtrobacter sp. ok362,na, NCBI, Query 14 to subject 1,97%, 0.0E0 Gap:4 LO:yes RBS:Kibler7,Karlin Medium,2.751,-3.809,no F:NKF SIF-BLAST:NKF

Gene 15 final annotation

SSC:9307-9969 CP:yes SCS:both ST: BLAST-Start:Arthrobacter sp. Hiyo 6, 05270, NCBI, query 15 to subject 1, 100%, 4e-97 Gap:56 LO:yes RBS:Kipler 7, karlin method, 2.801,-3.226,no F:NKF SIF-BLAST:NKF


neither gene has any known function and do not seem to have any function.

Future Steps:

to increase efficiency while using DNA master and other necessary programs.


Posted February 5, 2019 by aman_patel1 in category Uncategorized

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