Annotating the Function of Elesar genes 28,29 2/4/19
Rationale: I’m continuing to practice annotation by annotating certain genes of the Elesar genome. Today I will be learning and practicing using HHPred and BLAST to discover the function of the gene.
Tools: BLAST, HHPred, DNAMaster
- Opened up the DNAMaster file from last lab time containing the incomplete annotations forĀ genes 28 andĀ 29.
- Copied the amino acid product for each gene and ran it through HHpred using the COG_KOG_v1.0 and Pfam-A_v32.0 databases.
- Recorded the results under SIF-HHPred. Gene 29 did not get a significant hit so I recorded it as No Known Function(NKF).
- Next I ran the amino acid product through NCBI BLASTp and recorded those results under SIF-BLAST.
- Both of the genes returned to be Minor Tail Proteins so I recorded that in my annotation.
HHPred and BLASTp results for genes 28 and 29.
Conclusion and Future Work: I learned how to use HHPred and determine the function of a gene. Next I will learn how to use synteny to support my call for the function as well as supporting my start choice with the starterator.