February 1

Annotation of Elesar Gene 44 and 45 (1/30/19)

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The purpose of the lab was to finish annotating Elesar gene 1 and to practice with two other Elesar genes: 44 and 45.  

Procedure/ Tools: 

  1. Elesar gene 1 annotation was opened on DNA Master.  
  2. Gaps were determined by the BLAST feature on DNA Master and NCBI.  
  3. The frame of gene 1 was opened and the feature RBS provided the RBS scores.  
  4. Annotated Gene 44 and gene 45 of Elesar with the same features.  


Annotation of Gene 1:

SSC 45,353: CP yes: SCS both-cs: ST: BLAST-Start no significant BLAST alignments: Gap first gene : LO yes: RBS: Kibler7, Karlin Medium, 1.222, -6.751, no  F: SIF-BLAST: SIF-HHPred: SIF-Syn  

Annotation of Gene 44:

  • SSC: 32186, 32380 
  • CP: yes 
  • SCS: both 
  • BLAST-Start: [hypothetical protein PBI_NANDITA_47, 47, NCBI, 1, 1, 4×10^-23]  
  • Gap: 0 
  • LO: N/A 
  • RBS: Kibler7, Karlin Medium, 2.942, -2.636, yes 

NCBI results for Elesar Gene 44Annotation of Gene 45:

  • SSC: 32373, 32909 
  • CP: yes 
  • SCS: both 
  • BLAST-Start: [hypothetical protein PBI_RYAN_48 , 48, NCBI, 1,1, 1×10^-115] 
  • Gap: 0 
  • LO: N/A 
  • RBS: Kibler7, Karlin Medium, 3.060, -2.325, yes 

NCBI results for Gene 45 


More knowledge about DNA Master and Blast was acquired. Practice of annotating gene 44 and 45 improved my skills and understanding of annotating genes. Similar genes were found in the database when Gene 44 and 45 protein sequence was inserted in the database. Very small E values of 1×10-115 and 4×10^-23 were produced indicating that it was not by chance.  

Future Work:  

A deeper and better understanding of the features in DNA Master would be helpful when annotating NapoleonB. More annotations may be done as practice before annotating NapoleonB. 

Posted February 1, 2019 by sona_subramanian1 in category Sona Subramanian

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