January 23

Lab Day 2: Re auto annotating


Redo auto annotation of Elesar  by changing the preferences.  Learned about locating reading frames and calculating gap and overlaps.


  • personal laptop
  • DNA Master
  • Elesar file


  1. Opened DNA master with the Elesar file
  2. Changed preferences and added the code to the template
  3. re auto annotated elesar


above are the reading frames and reverse after changing the preferences. It is the same as last pictures from previous lab notebooks.

Next Steps

Blast the genome and learn more about locating the reading frames and possible coding potentials.


January 23

Setting Up Template for Annotations 1/23/19

Rationale: In order to begin practicing annotation on the genome of Elesar, the auto-annotation preferences and template were set-up. Also, some practice was done to better understand the necessity and location of gaps and overlaps in reading frames.

Tools: DNA Master, Microsoft Word


  1. Went in to preferences and local preferences to paste the template in for auto-annotation.
  2. Using an assigned word file, practiced calculating gap and overlap
  3. Ran an auto-annotation on Elesar and viewed the reading frames.
  4. Helped other students fix DNA master



I was able to view the reading frames of Elesar graphically and the template showed up in the annotation notes.

Future Work:

I will practice annotating some genes of Elesar using the template created today.

January 18

Auto Annotation of phage “Elesar” (1/14/19)


From a computational device, changes were made to the system to accommodate and gain the necessary information for the lab. Also, from the FASTA file with the phage Elesar, the genome of the phage was used for practice to understand the information processed on DNA Master.



Computational Device

DNA Master

FASTA File of a phage



  • After presentations, the preferences on DNA Master were changed to provide for easier access to the information needed for the lab. The preferences that were changed were the colors which labeled the different segments of information and some slight changes in the settings.
  • After the preferences were changed, a FASTA file containing the genome of the phage “Elesar” was downloaded off of phagesdb.com which was used for practice.
  • The file was unable to download under the file tab in finder; however, it did work when moved to the desktop.
  • After the file was selected and exported, auto-annotated was selected in which allowed for the open reading frames to be identified.
  • In order for open reading frames to be evaluated further, a feature allowing for the 5′ to 3′ was selected.
  • Through these steps, more practice was completed in order to become familiar with the program.



After DNA Master was downloaded, the preferences were changed to allow for better management of the program. Although some difficulty was encountered when the FASTA file was downloaded, it worked when moved to the desktop then moved to the program. After the file was placed in the program, instructions were placed on how to work the program and where certain options were located. Some practice was done with the phage “Elesar” to become familiar with the program for future use.

Future Works:

Next class, the information that is present will be taught and will allow us to understand what is being displayed in order to annotate the phage “NapoleonB.”

January 18

DNA Master Installation 1/16/2019

Rationale: Download DNA Master and auto annotate elestar genome


  • download DNA Master from download link and go through setup using the install wizard
  • open DNA Master directly from Program Files (x86) by right clicking and selecting run as administrator
  • download fastfa version of elestar from phage db
  • go to DNA Master and select file -> open -> fastfa -> select elsetar
  • in the bottom right hand corner of the DNA Master view of elestar, click export -> create sequence from this entry only
  • then on the top bar of DNA Master, select genome -> annotation -> auto-annotate


  • for some reason DNA Master would not auto-annotate because of a “Glimmer Failure”

Next Steps:

  • troubleshoot Glimmer Failure and auto annotate elestar
January 18

DNA Master Set Up 1/16/2019

DNA Master Set Up 1/16/2019


The rationale behind these procedures is to learn how to set up DNA master and practice doing so, in addition to learning how to auto-annotate a FASTA file.


  1. Download DNA Master from web link
  2. Update software and set preferences
  3. Open a FASTA file (File > Open> FastA Multiple Sequence File)
  4. Export contents of the file (Export . Create Sequence from this Entry Only)
  5. Auto Annotate contents of the file (Genome > Auto Annotate > click “yes”)



The procedure detailed above was simply practice that yielded the above results. These results show what an auto-annotated genome would look like for future reference in later annotations.


The results of the practice auto-annotation can be seen above. An annotated genome that can be reviewed by a human. There weren’t any tough calls to make in this particular lab because it was only for practice, but these procedures did demonstrate what I will be looking for in the future.

Future plans

In the future, I will use what I learned how to do in this procedure when I am analyzing the genome from Napoleon B. I will perform auto-annotations as well as many other forms of testing on that genome in the lab periods to come.

January 18

The Auto-Annotation of Elesar



To auto-annotate Elesar’s genome in order to practice for the annotation of the phage found in class.


  • Downloaded the fastA for Elesar phage
  • Opened fast file by clicking file open and fastA multi sequence file
  • Clicked export and created a sequence from only that entry
  • Clicked genome at the very top of the screen and clicked auto-annotate
  • Clicked features in the fastA library to see the geneome info
  • Clicked DNA and frames to see ORF analysis
  • Clicked ORF button to compare potential start codons
  • On fastA library clicked genome and profile
  • To create ORF map clicked DNA and export map then draw


The genome of Elesar was annotated. Next lab I will use the steps taken to annotate Elesar to annotate the phage found in class.


January 18


  • JANUARY 16th, 2018
    • To download DNA Master onto laptop and run the auto connotation of Elesar’s genome. 
    • DNA Master was downloaded from a file online 
    • Elesar’s genome file was downloaded from phagedb.com 
    • DNA Master was downloaded 
    • Elesar’s genome file was downloaded off of phagedb.com 
    • The file was then uploaded onto DNA Master 
    • DNA Master was downloaded and Elesar’s genome was uploaded 
    • Auto annotate the genome, and start annotating from there 
January 18

1-16-19 — DNA Master Setup

DNA Master Setup

Date: 1-16-19

  • Rational
    • The rational for this lab was to set up DNA Master for future use and to start with the annotation of phage Elesar.
  • Procedure
    1. DNA Master was downloaded and opened.
    2. Preferences were changed for multiple fields. Colors of certain sequences were changed in order to match the rest of the classmates and their annotations.
    3. The option to use PBI server for SEA-PHAGES courses was selected.
    4. A fasta file of a phage (in this case, phage Elesar) was downloaded and opened in DNA Master.
    5. The fasta file was auto-annotated by going to File > Open > FastA Multiple Sequence File and selecting the desired file.
  • Results
    • The result of this lab was becoming comfortable with using the program and opening files.
  • Conclusion
    • DNA Master can be difficult to get running. Preferences must be checked before working to make sure that everything will run well.
  • Future Plans
    • In following labs, the goal will be to more thoroughly go through annotated gene sequences, editing and recording information over time.
January 18

Beginning DNA Master

January 16th, 2019

Objectives: Install and understand basics of DNA Master annotation program.

Rationale: DNA Master is the program the lab is using for annotations, therefore I must have it and know how to use it.


  • Downloaded DNA Master onto my personal computer
  • Began configuring basic settings such as color and other preferences
  • Enabled program to use TTG Codons as start codons, also in preferences
  • Imported Phage Elesar from phagesDB online, as a fasta file
  • Opened Elesar in DNA Master, and created a sequence from the Elesar entry only
  • Selected Elesar on main page, and under the GEnome tab in the top portion of the screen, selected auto-annotate
  • Hit error with Glimmer preferences, spent time to correct
  • Annotated Elesar without BLAST-ing all genes.
  • Completed lab time.
DNA Master after completing the steps detailed above

Future Plans: Continue following basic annotation instructions and learning the process of using DNA Master.

January 18

DNA Master and Auto Annotation of Elesar (1/16/19)


The purpose of the lab was to download and use DNA Master to Auto Annotate Elesar.


  1. DNA Master was downloaded before the class started.
  2. Some preferences in DNA Master were changed.
  3. Elesar’s FASTA file was obtained off phagesdb.org.
  4. The file was added into DNA Master and auto annotated.

Observations/Results/ Conclusions:

DNA Master was downloaded, and the preferences were changed according to the protocols of the lab. Phage Elesar was used to practice and successfully auto annotated using DNA Master. The ORF’s are viewed in the green and the red sections shown below.

In lab I learnt how to navigate DNA Master specifically on how to Auto Annotate using a FASTA file.  

Future Work:

The next step will be to gain a better understanding of some of the features and to be able to interpret the visual results of the Auto Annotations, and to learn how to annotate other phages.