January 31

Elesar Gene Annotations 1/30/19

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Rationale: Annotated genes 6 and 7 of elesar

  1. Gene 6
    SSC: 3685-4974
    CP: yes
    SCS: both
    ST: NA BLAST-Start: matches with Nandita, 7, phagesdb, q1:s1, 97%, 0.0
    Gap: 16
    LO: yes
    RBS: Kibler7, Karlin Medium, 3.215, -2.059, yes
    F: portal protein SIF-BLAST: portal protein, phagesdb, Nandita_7, MH834621, 97%, 0.0

  2. Gene 7
    SSC: 5025-6221
    CP: yes
    SCS: neither
    ST: NA
    BLAST-Start: matches with Nandita, 8, phagesdb, q1:s14, 93%, 0.0
    Gap: 50
    LO: no
    RBS: Kibler7, Karlin Medium, 1.823, -6.049, no
    F: capsid maturation protease
    SIF-BLAST: capsid maturation protease, phagesdb, Nandita_8, MH834621, 93%, 0.0


Annotated 2 genes. Gene 6 I determined to be an RBS because it had the best values for Z score and F score. I changed the starting codon on gene 7 based on the ORF map suggested value and concluded that it was not an RBS.

Future Steps: Figure out if my annotations were correct and figure out how to successfully use template notes.

Posted January 31, 2019 by rachel_melone1 in category Rachel Melone

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