1.30.19 Annotating Elesar Genes
1.30.19 Annotating Elesar Genes
Rationale: Today, two genes were annotated from the Elesar genome to begin practicing the skill of completely annotating a gene from a bacteriophage genome.
- Opened FASTA file with previous example annotations on Gene #1
- Answered Gap, LO, and RBS.
- Assigned genes 50&51.
- Annotated genes 50&51 from the Elesar genome.
Gene 50
SSC (Start/Stop Coordinates): 36095,36970
CP (Coding Potential): Yes
SCS (Start-choice source): Both.
BLAST-Start: Nandita, gp50, NCBI, Query 1 to Subject 1, 99%, 0.0.
Gap: 40.
LO (Longest ORF): Yes.
RBS (Ribosome Binding Site): Kibler7,Kibler Medium, 2.097, -4.366, Yes.
Gene 51
SSC: 36967,37350
CP: Yes
SCS: Both.
BLAST-Start: Auxilium, gp 51, NCBI, Query 1 to Subject 1, 96%, 4e-14.
Gap: 4bp overlap.
RBS: Kibler7, Kibler Medium, 2.496, -3.662, Yes.
Conclusions: After performing the annotations for both gene 50 and 51, new skills were developed and a slightly better understanding of gene annotation was achieved. A complete understanding of the process has yet to be obtained, but as more genes are practiced, it will hopefully become more clear in regards to what to do for each step.
Future Steps: In the future, more genes will be practiced on Elesar to develop additional skills, but NapoleonB will be annotated eventually when confidence in the skills has been developed.