January 25

DNA Master Test Run & Gene gaps/overlaps 1.23.19

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To begin the genome analysis of phage NapoleonB, DNA Master has been chosen to be the software to annotate the genetic sequence. Phage Elesar was picked to be the sequence for the tutorial, in order to familiarize with the functions and features of the software.

  • Laptop
  • DNA Mastering Program
  • Gene sequence of phage Elesar

Genome -> auto-annotate -> annotate.

Gene auto-annotation function in DNA Master was explored, the potential genes in the whole sequence were found, and from the results we can calculate the gaps/overlaps of the genes.

If gaps -> subtract and minus one.

If overlaps -> subtract and add one.

Results/Next Steps:

DNA Master is now operational on the personal laptop so the next lab would be learning how to BLAST the genes auto annotated from phage Elesar for testing.

Posted January 25, 2019 by joseph_yu1 in category Yang-En Yu

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