DNA Master Set Up 1/16/2019
DNA Master Set Up 1/16/2019
The rationale behind these procedures is to learn how to set up DNA master and practice doing so, in addition to learning how to auto-annotate a FASTA file.
- Download DNA Master from web link
- Update software and set preferences
- Open a FASTA file (File > Open> FastA Multiple Sequence File)
- Export contents of the file (Export . Create Sequence from this Entry Only)
- Auto Annotate contents of the file (Genome > Auto Annotate > click “yes”)
The procedure detailed above was simply practice that yielded the above results. These results show what an auto-annotated genome would look like for future reference in later annotations.
The results of the practice auto-annotation can be seen above. An annotated genome that can be reviewed by a human. There weren’t any tough calls to make in this particular lab because it was only for practice, but these procedures did demonstrate what I will be looking for in the future.
Future plans
In the future, I will use what I learned how to do in this procedure when I am analyzing the genome from Napoleon B. I will perform auto-annotations as well as many other forms of testing on that genome in the lab periods to come.