January 17

Auto Annotation and DNA master installation

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To install and use DNA master to  auto annotate and analyse the genome of phage elesar.

Tools Used:

  • Personal Laptop
  • DNA master


  1. DNA master was downloaded and installed onto personal laptop.
  2. The following steps were followed to go to local settings, File > Preferences> Local settings> Directories
  3. Archive file settings were changed to a location where it would be easier to find
  4. The color settings for tRNA, tmRNA and ORF are changed and all the changes are applied
  5.  the elesar genome file was opened in DNA master using the following, File>Open>FastA multiple sequence file
  6. the following steps were followed, Export> Create sequence from this entry only>Genome>Auto Annotate
  7. this is where the day ended.


The operation of DNA master is difficult and will take a great deal of practice. Elesar has 66 genes, of which one was tRNA and the rest are ORF genes.


successful auto annotation was performed on the genome sequence. ORFs on the gene sequence were marked as shown above.

Conclusions and Future Steps:

Currently, no conclusions can be drawn from this data due to the lack of the knowledge to do so. more practice and augmentation is required to better work with this software.



Posted January 17, 2019 by aman_patel1 in category Aman Patel, Dr. Adair

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