December 1

DNA Precipitate Formation

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Objectives: Have a large amount of pure phage DNA pelleted, to extract and analyze.

Rationale: To analyze the genome, the phage DNA must be extracted in large quantities.

Note – These procedures were not done aseptically

  • Added 10 mL of high titer lysate to a 50 mL conical tube
  • Added 40 uL nuclease using micropipettor
  • Transferred 4 mL Polyethylene Glycol to Lysate
  • Left 50 mL tube in an incubator at 37 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes
  • Removed tubes from incubator, and left at room temperature for 45 minutes
  • Centrifuged the lysate mixture at 10,000 Gs for 20 minutes
  • Removed the Supernatant
  • Air dried pellets and placed in a microcentrifuge tube


Future Plans: Use DNA pellets to complete extraction and PCR procedures.

Posted December 1, 2018 by Shepard Saabye in category Uncategorized

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