TEM ans Phage Precipitation for Lysate 8
To get an image of the phage found in lysate 8. Also to start DNA extraction by pelleting the phage in lysate 8 and breaking down the free DNA.
- Cleaned lab desk
- Put 10 mL lysate 8 into a tube
- Added 40 ML nuclease mix
- Added 4 mLÂ phage precipitant solution
- Put in shaking incubator for 30 min at 37 C
- Let sit at room temperature for 40 C
- Spun down at 10,000 G for 20 min
- Pulled off teh supernatent
- Froze the remaining liquid and pellet.
The TEM showed that thr phage had a 106 Mm tail and a 45 Mm head (diameter). Next lab I will do DNA extraction on the phage pellet formed this lab. Nanodrop will also be done on the phage DNA obtained from the DNA extraction.
Fig.4.8 – This image show one of the phage found in lysate 8.