November 30

11/28/18 PCR

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Previous Results:

  • DNA extraction was recently completed and DNA was obtained from the phage sample


  • Set up PCR using the concentrated DNA sample and prepare to run a gel test


  1. Aseptic Zone was created with CiDecon, 70% Ethanol, and an Ethanol burner
  2. The DNA microcentrifuge tube “Pippa” was obtained and 3 microcentrifuge tubes were labeled 1-3
  3. 2 microliters of DNA was added to each tube, along with 12.5 mircoliters 1x Master Mix, and 6.5 microliters ddH2O
  4. Each tube, labeled 1-3, was given 4 microliters of primer. Tube 1 had Primer 1, Tube 2 has Primer 2, and Tube 3 had Primer 3. Each tube had a total of 25 microliters liquid
  5. The tubes were then placed in a thermo-cycler @ 98.0 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes, then completed 35 cycles of 94 degrees Celsius for 30 seconds, 55.1 degrees Celsius for 30 seconds, and 72 degrees Celsius for 45 seconds. The process was completed with 5 minutes in 72 degrees Celsius
  6. The tubes were then placed in the freezer at a temp of 4 degrees Celsius until next lab


  • PCR and gel were not completed, therefore there are no results to report

Next Steps:

  • During the next lab a gel will be ran on the DNA and results will be obtained

Posted November 30, 2018 by claire_wentzlaff1 in category Claire Wentzlaff

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