11/26 Spot titer and TEM
Rationale: Spot titer performed to help calculate titer. The titer is unknown for the newly flooded lysate and high titer is needed to extract DNA from.
Procedure: Lysate was obtained from the refrigerator and was used for 11/26 experiment. TA solution was made, and serial dilutions were performed to perform a spot titer. 100µL of the flooded lysate was used for TEM image. The Formula used to make TA solution:
- 2mL LB broth
- 2.5mL 2X TA
- 22.5µL CaCl2
- 0.5 Artrhobacter
This TA solution was made in a 15mL vial and quickly poured onto the labeled plates. Plates sat for 15 minutes and then the serial diluted lysate were spotted onto the plates (10^-5 – 10^-9 and one control). The plate was placed in the incubator for 24 hours at 24 degrees Celcius and titer will be counted 11/27.
Observations: 45mL lysate obtained from 11/19 experiment. The lysate would then be used for DNA extraction for each member in group 4, but the titer of the new lysate is unknown. High titer must be obtained in order to extract DNA.
Conclusions: High titer calculations from 11/26 experiment will result in DNA extraction 11/28. If low titer, web plates and obtain newly flooded lysate, which would then need to be spotted to calculate titer.