Spot Titer and Serial Dilution (11/14/18)
Today we will be performing a spot titer to calculate the titer for an unknown lysate create last class.
- Created an aseptic zone using an ethanol burner and cleaned the table with 70% ethanol and Cidecon.
- Lysate and eight small tubes were obtained for serial dilutions.
- Phage buffer was obtained as well.
- 10 uL of our 10^0 solution was added along with 90 uL of Phage Buffer to the first tube labeled 10^-1.
- The 10^-1 tube was mixed evenly, and 10 uL of this solution was added to the tube labeled 10 ^-2 along with 90 uL of phage buffer.
- The process continued until serial dilutions from 10^-1 to 10^-8 were created.
- Two plates were obtained and divided into 9 portions.
- 4 mL of LB Broth, 45 uL of CaCl2, 1 mL of Arthrobacter, and 5 mL of Top Agar were added into a 50 mL tube.
- 5 mL of solution was pipetted into each plate and let to set for 10 minutes.
- 5 uL of each serial dilution was added to each respective portion on the plates.
- 5 uL of Phage Buffer was added to the control portion of the plate.
- The two plates were left to sit for 15 more minutes and placed upright into incubator.
Observations/ Results:
Many small bubbles formed on our plates. Most of them were concentrated in the middle and the control portion of the plate.
Next Step/ Conclusion:
The results of the spot titer will be viewed and used to calculate the titer of the plate. Using the solution of the plates with a high titer, a webbed plate will be created to obtain more lysate.