Spot Test of the “KEA 11/12 100 lysate” (11/13/18)
No contamination was found on the plates, and plaques had formed. The “KEA 11/12 10010µL” plate appeared to be the most webbed out of the plaque assays performed on 11/12. The pictures below show these plates.
In all efforts to receive a high titer, the “KEA 11/12 10010µL” plate will be flooded, serial dilutions will be carried out to the 10-8, and each dilution will be spotted.
- Once an aseptic zone was established, 8 mL of phage buffer was poured onto “KEA 11/12 10010µL” plate.
- The plate was shaken on an incubator for five hours.
- Filtered lysate from flooded plate through a 0.22 µm syringe filter which was added to the “KEA 11/12 FS lysate 100” conical vial.
- 10 µL of “KEA 11/13 FS lysate 100” was added with 90 µL of phage buffer to create 10-1dilution which was vortexed.
- 4 mL of LB Broth, 45 µL of CaCl2, and 5 mL of 2X TA were combined into a conical vial.
- 5 mL of the Top Agar (TA) mixture from the conical vial was poured onto a control plate.
- 5 mL of Arthrobacter was combined with the remaining TA mixture and was poured onto the “KEA 11/13 Spot Test” plate.
- Once the spot plate had solidified, 10 µL of 100to 10-8of the “KEA 11/12 FS lysate” and 10 µL of phage buffer were spotted.
- These plates were placed in the incubator at room temperature.
- The following calculations were performed to determine enough LB Broth, 2X TA, and CaCl2needed for 2 plates.
Original Recipe |
X2 |
2 mL LB Broth |
4 mL LB Broth |
2.5 mL 2X TA |
5 mL 2X TA |
22.5 μL CaCl2 |
45 μL CaCl2 |
- Step 4 was repeated with different dilutions to create dilutions out to 10-8.
- When checking to see if the spots had solidified, it was noted that the spots moved. The spots did not collide with each other; however, the spots were no longer in a circle shape.
Next Steps:
Calculate the titer from the spot test plate.