Plaque Assay
To do a plaque assay in order to determine the titer of the new lysate.
- Cleaned the lab desk
- Filtered the lysate from the 5 flooded plates
- Put 4 mL of LB broth into a tube
- Added 10 ML of lysate to .5 mL arthro and waited 10 min
- Added 45 ML of CaCl2 to the TA
- Added 2 ml of TA mixture to the .5 mL arthro
- Added 2.5 mL of TA to the control and arthro and poured on the plates
- Waited 15 min
- Put in the incubator at 26 C at 4
Next lab we will calculate the titer of the lysate and do a TEM on the lysate if the titer is high enough. If the titer is not high enough then we will get a new lysate with a higher titer.