November 9

P1 Plaque Assay 2 11/7/2018

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Rationale: perform plaque assay with plaque 1 because the previous plaque assay had a contaminated control plate

Plaques assay 1 for p1.                                                 

Contaminated control for p1 plaque assay 1.


  1. Added 30 µL of p1 lysate into o.5 mL arthro and let sit for 15 minutes
  2. Made LB agar media for 4 plaque assay plates (control, 3 samples)
    1. Reagents Amount
      LB Broth 8 mL
      2X TA 10 mL
      1M CaCl2 90 µL
  3. Poured 5 mL of media into 3 separate tube for sample plates
    1. One for RSM, LCG, and SJ
  4.  Poured Arthro and lysate mixture into an LB agar sample tube
  5. Poured contents of tube onto a plate
  6. Poured the contents of the remaining LB agar media without lysate onto control plate
  7. Let solidify for ~15 minutes
  8. Incubate for 48 hours at 28 degrees C


Next Steps: calculate titer of lysate and perform another plaque assay to get a higher titer.

Posted November 9, 2018 by rachel_melone1 in category Rachel Melone

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