November 9

11/7 Titer Calculations

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Rationale: Calculate the amount of lysate needed to completely web a plate based on the experiments performed on 11/5.

Procedure: Before the experiment was performed, the workspace was cleaned with both Cidecon and 70% Ethanol. Calculated titer with the equation below:

Determined the titer of the experiment performed, so calculations for how much lysate was needed to web a plate shown below:

In a 50mL vial, 2xTA solution was made for the experiment using the equation below:

  • 2mL LB Booth (x4)
  • 22.5 microliters of Calcium Chloride (x4)
  • 2.5mL 2X TA (x4)
  • 500 microliters of Arthro (x3)
  • 10^-2  lysate
    • 7.09µL plate 1
    • 14.18µL plate 2
    • 2.127 of lysate 10^-1 plate 3

4.5mL of 2XTA solution was added into a test tube containing 10^-2 lysate + Arthrobacter phage solution and quickly poured onto a plate. Plates sat for 15 minutes to solidify, and then inverted and placed in the incubator at 27 degrees Celcius.

Observations: Plates from 11/5 experiments did not sit all the way causing plaques to tear and the TA solution did not completely cover the plate. The control from the experiment performed on 11/5 was positive.

Conclusions: Calculate pfu/µL on 11/12 to determine high/medium titer. If the experiment performed 11/7 is a high titer, flood the plate, and if the titer is medium, redo experiment, same as 11/7 experiment.

Posted November 9, 2018 by michael_lum1 in category Michael Lum, Uncategorized

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