11/07/2018- Purification Run 4 for Adopted Phage
Pick plaques and make plaque assay for the extracted phage and 10^-1 dilution of the lysate.
Pre Lab Observation:
The control plate from the plaque assays from 11/05/18 were contaminated and therefore reliable plaque assays were not obtained.
- 30 plaques were picked from 3rd purification run and deposited in a microcentrifuge with 100μl of phage buffer.
- After phages are mixed in the microcentrifuge tube, 10 μl of the extracted phage solution is transferred to a microcentrifuge tube with 90μl of phage buffer to acquire a 10^-1 serial dilution.
- One top agar mixture was prepared for 5 plates.
- 10 ml of LB broth was added to a conical vial
- 112.5 μl of CaCl2 was added to the conical vial.
- Two 0.5 ml of arthrobacter samples were enriched with the extracted phages and the 10^-1 dilution for 15 minutes.
- 12.5 ml of 2X TA was added to the conical vial.
- 4.5 ml of the TA mixtures was added to each enriched sample.
- the samples and the mixture were then plated on two agar plates.
- 4.5 ml of TA mixture was plated on another agar plate for a control plate.
- after 15 minutes, all the plates were placed inverted in the incubator.
Analysis and Conclusion:
Most likely due to the contamination, the plates prepared on 11/05/18 were negative and a webbed plate was not produced. Due to the lack of lysate, another purification was done to acquire more phages. New titer will have to be calculated and a webbed plate will have to be prepared during the next lab.