10-31-18- New Phage and Titer calculation
A new phage will be adopted from lab colleague Melissa Leon. Titer of her current lysate and how much lysate will be required to web a plate will be calculated.
Number of plaques formed on plaque assay= 93
volume of lysate used= 30μl
lysate dilution=10^-1
radius of plate= 47.5 mm
radius of plaque= 0.416mm
Ratio of plate and plaque area= π(47.5)^2/π(0.416)^2=1.3036×10^4
Titer=93/30x10x1000=3.1×10^4 pfu/ml
volume for webbed plate= 1.3036×10^4/3.1×10^4=0.4206 ml= 420.6 μl
Analysis and Conclusion
this is a low titer lysate and it will probably be put in for more purification runs do as to acquire a high titer.