Results from 10/26 PA and Second Passage Continued (10/28/18)
No contamination or plaques were observed from the plaque assay performed on 10/26 as shown below.
Since it does not appear a phage was picked previously, two plaques will be picked from the “KEA 10/22 100-1 PA” plate. To continue the purification process, plaque assays will be performed with a plaque, phage buffer mixture solution made from both the newly picked plaque along with the “KEA 10/22 100-1” mixture.
- Once an aseptic zone was established, 100 µL of phage buffer was placed into both microcentrifuge tubes “KEA 10/29 100 A” and “KEA 10/29 100 ”
- Used a micropipette tip to touch a plaque from the “KEA 10/22 100-1 PA” plate and then swirled the tip in the “KEA 10/29 100 A” microcentrifuge tube.
- Used a micropipette tip to touch a different plaque from the “KEA 10/22 100-1 PA” plate and then swirled the tip in the “KEA 10/29 100 B” microcentrifuge tube.
- Both “KEA 10/29 100 A” and “KEA 10/29 100 B” microcentrifuge tubes were vortexed.
- 25 µL of “KEA 10/22 100-1”, “KEA 10/29 100 A” , and “KEA 10/29 100 B” mixtures were added to correlated test tubes which already had 0.5 mL of Arthrobacter in them.
- 8 mL of LB Broth, 90 µL of CaCl2, and 10 mL of 2X TA were combined into a conical vial.
- Transferred and mixed 4.5 mL of the Top Agar (TA) mixture from the conical vial into each test tube.
- Each test tube was poured onto their correlating plate, and the remaining 4.5 mL of the TA mixture was poured onto a plate labeled “ML KEA 10/29 Control.”
- These plates were placed in the incubator at room temperature.
- The following calculations were performed to determine enough LB Broth, 2X TA, and CaCl2needed for 4 plates.
Original Recipe |
X4 |
2 mL LB Broth |
8 mL LB Broth |
2.5 mL 2X TA |
10 mL 2X TA |
22.5 μL CaCl2 |
90 μL CaCl2 |
- The plaques circled belowed were picked to make “KEA 10/29 100 A” and “KEA 10/29 100 B” plaque, phage buffer mixtures. To increase the chances a phage was picked, the plaques were picked under a light microscope.
- When pouring the TA mixture, the TA mixture started to solidify causing bubbles and lumps to form on the plates.
Next Steps:
If there is contamination, a plaque assay with be run again with the same mixtures. If there are plaques, a third passage will be performed. If there are no plaques, a different plaque will be picked.