Soil F Filtration and Metadata
To filter out soil F after it is collected and enrich it for next lab. Soil metadat will also be collected on soil F for future reference.
- Collected soil from a Post Oak outside of the Business Building
- Cleaned the lab desk with CiDecon and ethanol
- Put 2 ml of soil into a tube
- Added 10 mL of LB broth and shook for 15 min
- Put the tube into the centrifuge at 3,000 G for 5 minutes
- Put 10 mL of soil into a tube
- Added 20 mL of DI water and 3 drops of soil dispersion
- Shook for 30 seconds and then placed the tube under the hood
- Put soil in a pH tube and added DI water
- Shook the tube for 10 seconds and then let it sit for 2 minutes before checking the pH
- Weighed an empty weigh boat and then weighed it with a portion of the soil sample in it
- Put the weigh boat under the hood
- Filtered out the centrifuged soil sample
- Added .5 mL arthro to the lysate
- Put the tube into the shaking incubator at 26 C at 3:40
- The tree the soil was collected from had quite a few bare branches and it was lighter than other Post Oaks
- Tree height- 584.8 cm
- Trunk circumference- 41.3 cm
- Canopy width- 170.2 cm
- Soil pH- 6.5
- Empty weigh boat- 2.57 g
- Weigh boat with wet soil- 10.44 g
- Wet soil- 7.87 g
The soil pH of soil F was the same as soil E which is slightly closer to neutral than the other soil samples. Next lab I will be testing this soil sample for arthrobacter phage. I will also record the results for the soil texture and water percentage.
*Note there was a lot of rain leading up to when soil F was collected so the soil contained more water than usual.
Fig.1.F – This image shows the Post Oak the soil F was collected from. The left side and top of the tree show the most significant absence of leaves.
Fig.2.F – This image show the pH of soil F.