October 8, 2018 Plaque Assay 3- Soil C
Rationale: The purpose of this lab is to pick a plaque and conduct a plaque assay for soil C plaque purification, and to conduct a plaque assay for soil C repeat.
Description of Procedures:
- The workstation was cleaned using aseptic technique and an aseptic zone was created.
- A plaque was picked from the plaque assay 1 and mixed with 100 ul of phage buffer and vortexed.
- The enriched lysate from soil C repeat was spun again in the centrifuge for 10 minutes at 5000 x g.
- Percent soil calculations were conducted. 4 ml of soil were measured. Sand was found to be 25%, silt was found to be 50%, and clay was found to be 25% of the soil.
- The percent water was then found for soil C repeat. 0.684 g were lost from the original 4.058 g, calculating a percent water of 16.86%.
- Soil C repeat supernatant was filtered with a 0.22 um syringe filter.
- 10 ul of soil c repeat lysate was mixed with 0.5 ml of arthrobacter and was allowed to sit for 10 minutes. 10 ul of the phage buffer containing the phage from soil C was also mixed with 0.5 ml of artrobacter and allowed to sit.
- The top agar solution was made for 5 plates. 10 ml of LB broth, 112.5 ml of CaCl2, and 12.5 ml of 2x TA were added to a tube. 4.5 ml of this solution was then poured into the 0.5 ml of arthrobacter and immediately poured onto plates labeled LIP 10-8-18 PA 2, LIP EAG SS Control 10-8-18, and LIP SS EAG Soil C repeat.
- The plates were allowed to sit for 10 minutes and then inverted and stored in the incubator until the next lab.
- The workstation was cleaned using aseptic technique and materials were properly stored and disposed of.
- Observations:
- Plaque Assay 1 had plaques
- Enriched lysate from soil C repeat was foggy, so it was respun and refiltered
- Control plate had bubbles
- Metadata for soil c repeat was very different from the original soil c metadata
- Results:
- % Water- 16.86%
- % Sand- 25%
- % Silt- 50%
- % Clay- 25%
Interpretations/Next Steps:
The procedures were complete for soil C repeat and the plaque from soil C. The next steps will be to complete a plaque assay for soil C unless it is webbed, and will then be flooded, and to check for plaques on soil C repeat.