September 28

SEPTEMBER 21ST, 24TH, 26TH- Labs

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  • SEPTEMBER 21ST, 2018
      • Filter out new soil sample 
      • Tables were cleaned and lamps were lit 
      • 4 mL of soil was put into a test tube and filled to the 24mL mark with LB broth 
      • Tube was then shaken for 15 minutes 
      • Then a separate tube was filled with water to be its “mass buddy” and it was centrifuged for 7 minutes 
      • Next a weigh boat was massed and wet soil was added and massed 
        • The weigh boat its the soil was then left to dry in the fume hood
      • A falcon tube was then filled with 10 ml of soil and was then filled to the 20 ml with DI water
        • Then 3 drops of dispersion liquid was added to the tube, it was then shaken for 30 seconds and then left to sit over night
      • Then the tube that was then spun was retrieved and then had the supernatant filtered using a top filter 
      • 10mL of the supernatant was left in the test tube and 5mL was put into a different test tube 
      • The test tube containing the 10mL had .4mL of Arthro added to it (enriched sample)
      • Was then left to incubate 
      • The 5mL test tube was then put in the fridge (direct sample)
    • RESULTS: 
      • Soil Meta Data 
        • Sand 65%
        • Silt 15%
        • Clay 20%
    • Water percent
        • Mass of plate: 7.57g 
        • Mass of wet soil: 13.01g
        • Mass of dry soil: 12.23g
        • Mass of water: .78g
        • 6% water
      • Metadata was collected, will now conduct plaque assay next to test for phage presence 
    • NEXT STEP: 
      • Conduct a plaque assay 
  • SEPTEMEBER 24TH, 2018 
      • Conduct a plaque assay with NO CONTAMINATION
      • Tables were cleaned and lamps were lit
      • Direct and enriched samples were filtered out using a syringe and a .22 𝝁m filter 
      • Next, a large test tube was filled with:
        • 10 mL of LB
        • 12.5 mL of 2XTA 
        • 112.5 CaCl 
      • .10 𝝁L of lysate was then added to the containing .5mL of Arthro and was left for 15 minutes 
      • The tube contains the 2X TA solution was then placed in a hot water bath so it would not solidify 
      • Next 5mL of the TA solution was added to a plate, where 10 𝝁L of the direct were added to it 
      • The plate was swirled then was left to solidify
      • Another 5mL was pipetted onto a different plate to serve as control 
      • Next the tubes contain the lysate and Arthro had 5mL of the TA solution added to it
        • Solution was mixed then was poured onto plates 
      • Plates were left to solidify and were then inverted and placed into incubator 
    • RESULTS:
      • The results as seen in figure 13 were contaminated due to the Arthro sample being a different bacteria 
      • The results seen have been deemed inconclusive due to laboratory issue with Arthro 
    • NEXT STEPS: 
      • Conduct another plaque assay 
  • SEPTEMBER 26TH, 2018
      • To conduct another plaque assay without contamination 
      • Test tubes containing .4mL of Arturo had 10 𝝁L of lysate added to it, and was left to sit for 10 minutes
      • A large test tube was filled with 
        • 10mL of 2X TA 
        • 90 𝝁L of CaCl
        • 8.4 mL LB broth 
      • 5mL of the TA solution was poured onto a plate and served as the control 
      • Then 5mL of TA solution was put into the tubes contains the Arturo and lysate
        • The contents of the tubes were mixed then poured onto plates 
        • The plates then solidified for 10 minutes and were then inverted and placed in the incubator 
    • RESULTS: 
      • Waiting to view plates and obtain results
      • Waiting on results 
    • NEXT STEPS: 
      • View results and determine if phage are present, if so dilutions will be carried out, and if not a new soil sample will be collected 

Posted September 28, 2018 by laurenfoley_foley1 in category Lauren Foley

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