September 21

Soil Washing and Metadata 9/19/2018

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Rationale: wash soil samples and produce a direct isolated sample and an enriched isolated sample.


Soil Washing

  1. Cleaned lab bench with CiDecon and 70% ethanol
  2. Using aseptic techniques, added LB broth to the 15 mL mark of the tube containing ~ 2 mL of soil
  3. shook and vortexed the tube for 10 minutes
  4. Added small amount of water to get a final weight of 19.21g
  5. Centrifuged the tube with classmates
  6. Used a syringe and filter to filter supernatant into fresh tubes
    1. Used ethanol to keep the filter tip clean
    2. Ended with ~9 mL for enriched and ~1 mL for direct samples
  7. Added 0.5 mL of artho to the enriched sample
  8. Stored it in the fridge
  9. Left enriched isolated sample in the shaking incubator for 48 hours

Soil Metadata

  1. mass of dry soil and sample = 7.89g
  2. measured pH of soil
    1. added a pinch of dirt and DI to tube
    2. shook for 45 seconds
    3. held pH paper in tube for 45 seconds
    4. pH = 6.0
  3. sand/silt/clay soil dispersion
    1. Added ~8mL DI to ~4mL soil
    2. Added 3 drops of soil dispersion liquid
    3. shook for 30 seconds
    4. let sit for 48 hours

Next Steps:

Perform spot test with enriched and direct isolations. Measure sand/silt/clay dispersion and calculate % H2O.

Posted September 21, 2018 by rachel_melone1 in category Rachel Melone

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