Soil Washing and Metadata 9/19/2018
Rationale: wash soil samples and produce a direct isolated sample and an enriched isolated sample.
Soil Washing
- Cleaned lab bench with CiDecon and 70% ethanol
- Using aseptic techniques, added LB broth to the 15 mL mark of the tube containing ~ 2 mL of soil
- shook and vortexed the tube for 10 minutes
- Added small amount of water to get a final weight of 19.21g
- Centrifuged the tube with classmates
- Used a syringe and filter to filter supernatant into fresh tubes
- Used ethanol to keep the filter tip clean
- Ended with ~9 mL for enriched and ~1 mL for direct samples
- Added 0.5 mL of artho to the enriched sample
- Stored it in the fridge
- Left enriched isolated sample in the shaking incubator for 48 hours
Soil Metadata
- mass of dry soil and sample = 7.89g
- measured pH of soil
- added a pinch of dirt and DI to tube
- shook for 45 seconds
- held pH paper in tube for 45 seconds
- pH = 6.0
- sand/silt/clay soil dispersion
- Added ~8mL DI to ~4mL soil
- Added 3 drops of soil dispersion liquid
- shook for 30 seconds
- let sit for 48 hours
Next Steps:
Perform spot test with enriched and direct isolations. Measure sand/silt/clay dispersion and calculate % H2O.