September 21

Soil C Metadata

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To get metadat such as percent soil, silt, and clay, percent water, and pH to later help explain any results and trends found.


  • Cleaned the lab dest with CiDecon and ethanol
  • Added 10 mL of soil C to a falcon tube
  • Added DI water to the 30 mL mark
  • Added 3 drops of soil dispersion
  • Shook for 30 seconds and then placed it under the hood
  • Weighed empty weigh boat- 2.32 g
  • Weighed weigh boat with wet soil- 5.62 g
    •  Weight of wet soil- 3.3 g
  • Placed soil under the hood
  • Put soil in pH vial
  • filled with DI water
  • Shook tube for 10 seconds
  • Let sit for 2 minutes
  • Checked pH with pH paper- pH of 6
  • Cleaned lab desk with CiDecon and ethanol


Next lab a plaque assay will be preformed to test for arthrobacter phage in soil C. The pH of soil C was the same as the pH of soil B and the rest of the metadata will be compared next lab when the results are recorded.

Fig.3.C – Shows the pH of soil C is about 6

Posted September 21, 2018 by emily_balint1 in category Emily Balint

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