- SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2018
- OBJECTIVE: To wash new soil samples collected and to perform metadata on the soil as well
- Tables were cleaned
- Next soil samples were used to fill a test tube to the 2mL mark, filled to the 12mL mark with LB, and were then shaken and centrifuged for 15 minutes
- The tubes were then taken to spin @10,000G for 5 min
- During that time 10mL of soil was added to a conical vile
- DI water was added to the vile until it hit the 30mL mark
- Then 3 drops of soil dispersion fluid was added to the vile, where it was then shaken for 30 seconds
- The test tube of soil and broth was taken to a fume hood where the supernatant was poured into a top filter, where 10mL was filtered out
- Then the 10mL filtered supernatant then has .5 mL of arthrobactor added to it and was left to incubate
- Wet soil sample was weighed out and then left to dry
– NEXT STEPS: Conduct spot test
- SEPTEMBER 12TH, 2018
- OBJECTIVE: Conduct a spot test without any contamination
- Tables were cleaned
- Dry soil sample was weighed out
- Plate without soil: 7.20g
- Wet soil: 10.02g
- Dry Soil: 9.45g
- Water: 0.57g
- %Water:
- Then meta data was analyzed:
- %sand: 54.02%
- %clay: 26.44%
- %silt: 19.54%
- My sample was then masses and a “spin buddy” was found
- The sample was spun at 3000G for 5 min
- Then a syringe was used to push the spun supernatant through a .22𝝁m filter out
- Then a test was made with the following:
- 6mL LB
- 1.5mL Arthro
- 7.5mL 2X TA
- 67.5𝝁L of 1M CaCl
- SEPTEMBER 12TH, 2018
- 5mL of the contents of test tube were pipetted onto 3 plates and left to sit for 15 min
- After 15 min .5𝝁L of lysate of was pipetted onto plate
- Was left to incubate
- NEXT STEPS: wait to see results from spot test