Plaque Assay Soil B
To do a plaque assay to see if there’s any arthrobacter phage in soil B. I will also be calculating the sample’s water percentage and percent of sand, silt, and clay based on the results from lab on 9/10.
- Weight of the dry soil in the weigh boat- 5.33 g (weight of dry soil- 2.9)
- Weight of enriched lysate 21.6 g
- Percent water- 16.18%
- The 10 mL soil sample contained 4 mL sand (40%), 3 mL silt (30%), and 3 mL clay (30%)
- Spun the enriched lysate at 3,000 g for 5 minutes
- Filtered the enriched lysate
- Put 10 ML FS lysate into .5 mL Arthro
- Put 2 mL LB broth into the TA mixture
- Put 2 mL LB broth into vial for the control mixture
- Added 22.5 ML 1M CaCl2 to the TA mixture and 22.5 ML 1 M CaCl2 to the control TA
- Added .5 Arthro to my TA mixture
- Added 2.5 TA to the TA mixture and control TA
- Poured my mixture onto my plate and lets set for 10 minutes
- Poured control TA onto the control plate and let set for 10 minutes
- Placed in the incubator at 26 degrees Celcius at 3:45 9/12
- Cleaned lab dab desk with CiDecon and ethanol at the beginning and the end of lab
Fig.3.B – Shows the plate for the plaque assay for soil B Fig.4.B – Shows the control plate for soil B after the TA after the TA was added. The yellow circle shows where was added. The yellow circles indicate where bubbles a bubble is on the plate. were observed on the plate.