September 7

Discussion of the Question Being Studied

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To discuss the question that our experiment will address and explore.


  • Discussed what question we are going to test
    • some topics were specific to the trees age, whether it was transplanted or not, species and pesticides vs no pesticides as possible factors on arthrobacter.
  • Our group decided to test for the presence of arthrobacter in White Oaks of similar size with pesticides (on campus) and without (off campus at Cameron Park).

Future Steps:

On Friday I will collect three soil samples from White Oaks on campus with two other group members. The remaining three samples will be collected at Cameron Park by the remaining three group members.

*The group decided to test how pesticides impact the presence of arthrobacter (specific to soil around White Oaks)


Posted September 7, 2018 by emily_balint1 in category Emily Balint

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