Direct Isolation 1 Filtering (8/24/18)
Filter the Direct Isolation lysate
- Take the Direct Isolation out of the refrigerator and get a new vial.
- Fill the new vial with water with the same mass as the Direct Isolation.
- Place the tubes directly across from each other in the centrifuge and allow it to spin from 5-10 minutes.
- Take the Direct Isolation out of the centrifuge and place it in the test tube rack in the refrigerator.
Results and Analysis:
- Upon receiving my direct isolation, I noticed that the sample was already separated. Some minutes later, without me shaking the tube, the sample became evenly mixed again.
- I did not fulfill the purpose of this lab which was to filter the direct isolation. However, I did complete half of the procedure which was to put it in the centrifuge to separate the phage from the dirt and bacteria.
Future Plans
- In the future (8/28/28), I plan to finish filtering my Direct Isolation lysate. I also plan to conduct a spot test in which the filtered Direct Isolate will come in play.