August 31

AUGUST 22ND 2018- Lab

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    • Date/Title/Rational
    • Description of procedure (what you actually did, NOT what you were told to do)-    storage 
    • Observations/Results/Data
  • AUGUST 22, 2018 
    • OBJECTIVE: To clean and separate out the soil sample, into a direct and enriched sample
      • The tables were sanitized and lamps were lit to create an aseptic environment
      • A 50mL test tube was filled to the 15mL with soil that was collected 48 hours prior to the lab in section 8, from a healthy oak tree, seen in figure 1
      • Then LB broth was added to the tube util it reached the 35mL mark
      • The tube was then shaken by hand and vortex for 15 minutes 
      • The tubes were then taken to the centrifuge when they centrifuged as a class 
      • The contents of the soil had separated out into supernatant in the top and a solid in the bottom 
      • The supernatant was then pipetted into a filter where pressure was applied to it to force it through the .22 𝝁m and dripped into a 50mL tube as seen in figure 2 (must be conducted in fume hood)
      • The supernatant was filtered until 10mL was filtered out
      • The 10mL of the filtered supernatant had .5mL of Arthro added to it (This became the enriched sample), and the sample was then placed in the fridge 
      • The excess unfiltered supernatant was put into a separate test tube and placed in the fridge 
      • NEXT STEPS: Conduct Spot test with samples + filter out direct sample 

Posted August 31, 2018 by laurenfoley_foley1 in category Lauren Foley

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