Thinking Simply…

Many times when I am lab, I always think that we are doing a very complicated process. In other words, I always just assume that I just need to follow every instruction because I am too stupid to know what else to do. However, I thought that the directions told me to pick multiple plaques as I was purifying the sample. I did not even think twice about it. I just figured, “Well, if the directions told me to do it…then I might as well do it.” Finally after my third purification I thought about what I was doing. I thought to myself, “Why am I just following the directions without understanding fully what I am doing? Why would I pick multiple plaques if my goal is to purify ONE phage?” I only then realized that I needed to purify all over again, picking just one plaque…following what is logical. This was a crucial lesson for me to learn, that especially in a lab, I should not do anything until I understand what and why I am doing it.