Chandler Bledsoe (2022)


Joseph Chandler Shane Bledsoe

I am a 19-year-old sophomore at Baylor University; I am majoring in computer science with a concentration on game design. I love all things video games and believe them to be the most innovative, inspiring media and the future of digital entertainment.

Career Goals

I strive to aid in the programming, scripting, character design, and development of video games. With enough time, diligence, and passion for video games, I pursue the goal of leading projects of my own that will redefine the norm of the industry, but more importantly, inspire the next generation of game developers.


My current experience comes from my courses in introductory programming and game design. I am a newcomer to the industry; however, my conviction drives towards my ambitious goals while learning all I can along the journey.

Final Restauranteur (Game’s video pitch)

Games Created

Klaws (2019)     Box Link    Game Page Link

Favorite Games

I have always found this question difficult for I find many games are my “favorite” for their unique personality, intuitive gameplay, and innovations; however, these games/series encompass a multitude of positives without diluting the quality of the game:

The Elder Scrolls:(Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Online), Diablo:(2,3), Sid Meir’s Civilization: V, Monster Hunter:(Generations Ultimate & World/Iceborn), Divinity Original Sin 2, The Witcher 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Stardew Valley, Bioshock Trilogy, & Red Dead Redemption (1 & 2)

Classes Taken

  1. CSI 1337

Megan Adamik(2022)

Megan Adamik

I am a sophomore at Baylor University and I am a computer science major with a gaming concentration. I have grown up my whole life playing video games and I would like to expand my love for video games by understanding how they are made.

Career Goals

My career goal are to work on the type of games that I have grown up playing. Also I would like to create games with new ideas that get people who normally aren’t interested in video games to play them and enjoy them.

I have taken two intro courses learning c++.

Games Created

Time Invader

Favorite Games
Kingdom hearts, Uncharted, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Bros., and Life is Strange

Classes Taken
CSI 1337, CSI 1430, and CSI 1440

Game Pitch:

Josh McKone (2023)

Josh McKone

I’m a Baylor Computer Science Major with a concentration in Game Design. I love everything to do with computers, from building them to coding on them, and have a special fascination on all aspects of video games. I’m an avid gamer and hope to become a developer myself one day.

Career Goals

It is my goal to be able to program and develop games. I plan to start out at a bigger company to gain experience, then hopefully will be able to strike out on my own.



Aside from the few programming classes I’ve taken, and the little bit that I’ve done in some game-making engines, I have no experience designing or programming games.

DD&D (Games Pitch Video)

Games Created

Rivet (2019) – Box Link to Game  –Rivet

Sanctuary (2019) – Box Link to GameSanctuary



Favorite Games

My favorite games are, in order: Metro Exodus, Hollow Knight, Nier, Hunt Showdown, Creeper World, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (Call of Chernobyl).

Classes Taken

  1. CSI 1337

Yifan Xu (2020)

Yifan Xu

I am a 24 years old math major student at Baylor University.

Career Goals

Work at NetEase.




Made some Game Tutorials and Pitches

Games Created

Space Rocks
Post Game Pitch Twinkling Forest


Outbreak by Yifan Xu


Favorite Games

Overwatch, Apex, WOW, Fallout, Borderland

Classes Taken

  1. CSI 1337

Griffin DeClaire (2020)

Griffin DeClaire

Griffin DeClaire is a Baylor Theatre Performance Major with Minors in English and Entrepreneurship. He has been playing games since he was a kid and has alwasy ahd a passion for design. He has decided to go into graduate school for game design to work as a level designer/writer for video games.

Career Goals

  • Go to SMU for Graduate Game Design
  • Work at a video game company as a Level Designer
  • Create a wholly single player narrative game
  • Work as a story writer on a video game
  • Speak at GDC


Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master (8 Years)

Games Created

DD&D Pitch Video:
Wizard Wrangler:
Bank Buster:

Favorite Games

  • Hollow Knight
  • Alan Wake
  • The Souls Series
  • Witcher 3
  • Banner Saga
  • Divinity: Original Sin 2
  • The Stanley Parable
  • Darkest Dungeon

  Classes Taken

  1. CSI 1337

Legacy McDowell (2023)


Legacy McDowell

I am a 19 year-old computer science major at Baylor University.

Career Goals

My goals for a career are to work as an in-house programmer for a large company such as Microsoft or Bethesda.



Games Created

“Space Rocks” (Asteroids remake)

“The Overseer” (Game Pitch)

“Area 51 Simulator” (Click here)


Favorite Games

  • Pavlov VR
  • Hangry Bunnies from Mars
  • Portal 2
  • Human Fall Flat

Classes Taken

  1. CSI 1337