Mario Bros. (Recreation) (2018)

About this Game
This is a recreation of the legendary Mario Bros. game made by Nintendo. It was made from scratch in C++11 using the SDL2 library. This was the final project for the CSI 1430 class at Baylor University in Fall 2018.

System Requirements
Windows 7+
SDL2 and SDL2_mixer C++ libraries

– Use A and D to move Maio left and right, respectively.
– Press the space bar to make Mario jump.
– Press the escape key to exit the game.

Download Game (Windows)
Download User Manual (PDF)

CSI 1430 – Fall 2018


Matthew McCaskill
Aaron Coates



Mundus Turrium (2018)

Welcome to Mundus Turrium, a new take on the tower defense genre.

About this Game
You and your people are living peacefully in the open plains until a foreign being shows up one day. You attempt to negotiate but soon find out that an army coming to take your homeland is upon the horizon. Build your defenses, strengthen your borders, prepare to fight. This is war, and you must win.

System Requirements
Windows 7+

– Use the arrow keys and ENTER to navigate the main menu.
– Use WASD to move the camera up, left, down, and right, respectively.
– Scroll to zoom in/out. Use the middle mouse button to reset zoom.
– Click on a tower on the side of the screen to select it. Assuming that you have enough energy, you can place it within range of another of your towers.

Download Game (Windows)
Download Installer (Windows)

CSI 1337 – Fall 2018


Matthew McCaskill
Mohsen Soltani


Shape Shift (Chillennium 2018)

A world of shifting perspectives is always more than it first seems.

About this Game
Platform your way through a world full of hidden color and shapes. You start as a simple square in a black and white world, but you soon realize color is more than a perspective shift. Learn new skills by shifting your shape into another to make your way through the labyrinth. But, beware what comes at the end…

System Requirements
Windows 7+

– Use A and D or the left and right arrows to left and right, respectively.
– Use Space to jump.
– Change between unlocked shapes with Shift.
– Restart the current level from the last checkpoint with R.
– Restart the game with Escape.

Download Game via (Windows)

Chillenium 2018

Developers (Team [Insert Team Name Here])

Matthew McCaskill
Mohsen Soltani
Makin Schilling
Brandon Alcaraz

Pathfinder (2018)

Welcome to Pathfinder, the game of dark mazes, shooting, and exploration.

About this Game
You are lost in a dark maze with nothing but a torch and a pistol to survive. Take advantage of powerups and stealth as you navigate your way through the unknown. Most importantly, do not provoke the maze dwellers, or you might have two problems on your hands. Can you fight your way through hordes of enemies and twisty passages and reach safety?

System Requirements
Windows 7+

– Use WASD to move up, left, down, and right, respectively.
– Move your mouse around to change the direction you are looking.
– Left-click to fire your gun in that direction (hold left-click to repeatedly fire).

Download Game (Windows)
Download Sources

CSI 1337 – Fall 2018


Matthew McCaskill
Matthew Sun

Matthew McCaskill (2022)

Matthew McCaskill

Student of computer science (gaming concentration) at Baylor University and freelance software developer. I am a freshman from Goodyear, Arizona and have interests in game design, software development, mathematics, and Biblical hermeneutics.

Career Goals

My primary career goal is to join or start a company which specializes in church management software. Assuming that that does not go through, I wish to develop software (specifically front-end web or general tools) or go into game design.


  • 8 years of experience in object-oriented programming languages, including, but not limited to, Java, C#, C++, and Python.
  • 3 years of experience web design and development (HTML, CSS, and Javascript).
  • 7 years of limited experience in game design and development, including both the GameMaker and Unity game engines.
  • 13 years of experience in stage production management, including audio mixing, lighting effect management and design, and background media programming.

Games Created

Favorite Games

  • Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes by Steel Crate Games
  • Settlers of Catan by Catan Studios
  • Acquire by Avalon Hill Games
  • Starcraft 2 by Blizzard Entertainment
  • Overwatch by Blizzard Entertainment

Classes Taken

  1. CSI 1337