Baylor Model United Nations team wins “Best Delegation” award at international conference

By Rebecca J. Flavin, lecturer in political science and Model UN advisor


On Nov. 22-25, 14 Baylor students were in Chicago to participate in the American Model United Nations International Conference, which brought together nearly 1,500 university students to participate in a simulation of the United Nations. These 14 students competed with a field of more than 40 Baylor students to earn a spot on this semester’s traveling team.

In keeping with our team’s tradition of seeking to represent a new nation each semester at our national conference to maximize the learning experience, our students represented Portugal. In this role, the students discussed issues such as: external debt sustainability and development; prevention of armed conflict; the illicit trade of small arms and light weapons; new and renewable sources of energy; violence against women; and refugee protection from sexual violence.

While the educational experience is to be valued above all, and awards are considered a bonus to this, I am delighted to announce that Baylor’s team was named “Overall Best Delegation,” the highest award given at these conferences. This is the first time we have received this designation at AMUN.

In addition, two of our partner groups were named “Outstanding Delegation” for their respective committees: Carissa Carlson (senior, international studies) and Caleb Gunnels (senior, political science) for General Assembly First Committee; and Laura Beth Hooper (senior, international studies, Baylor Model UN head delegate) and Marc Webb (sophomore, international studies) for General Assembly Third Committee.

Members of the Baylor team said taking part in the conference was both exciting and enriching.

“My experience in the third committee of the General Assembly was very challenging, but rewarding,” said head delegate Laura Beth Hooper. “Our greatest difficulty was in approaching the topic of violence against women in such a way that would be culturally sensitive to all of the countries represented at the conference. Ultimately, though, Marc Webb and I were able to find common ground with even the more challenging delegations and create resolutions that were specific enough to be meaningful, but broad enough to avoid causing offense.”

“I enjoyed the amount of diversity in the conference, whether it be the people, nations represented, or strategies utilized in order to help developing nations economies, end conflict, or protect human rights,” Webb added. “This conference provided the opportunity to work with various points of view in order to achieve a common goal such as the United Nations, plus we got to go to Chicago which is always exciting.”

“Working with students from other schools and other countries to address some of the most pressing international problems is an experience like no other,” said Caleb Gunnels. “It is by far one of the most meaningful experiences that I have had the privilege to take part in throughout my time at Baylor University.”

“Despite the competitive nature of this Model United Nations Conference, it was our ultimate goal to come together and form agreeable resolutions,” said Carissa Carlton. “With this being my first conference, I was impressed by the amount of camaraderie that formed between students from all over the country, in my committee especially. I think that is exactly why our delegation performed so well — our preparedness automatically placed us in a leadership role and we took this as an opportunity to serve and let others contribute to a common goal.”

In the spring of 2015, Baylor Model UN will travel to two conferences — the Inaugural TexMUN conference hosted by Hardin Simmons University in January, where 18 Baylor students will represent Belize, Burundi, France and Portugal, and the National Model United Nations Conference in early April, where 16 Baylor students will represent Burundi.

In October 2014, our Baylor team hosted more than 300 high school students from Texas and Louisiana for the University’s annual high school Model UN conference, so it has been a busy year!

The students and I are grateful for your continued support of their endeavors. It is my pleasure to work with such an outstanding group of young men and women.



Top row (L to R): Caleb Gunnels (senior, political science), Matt Demond (senior, economics), Marc Webb (sophomore, international studies), Anthony Severin (senior, economics) and Emily Brizzolara-Dove (senior, international studies)

Middle row (L to R): Hannah Mullikin (senior, international studies), Laura Beth Hooper (Baylor Model UN head delegate and senior, international studies), Ruth Anne Holiday (senior, international studies), Mary Margaret Hambuchen (senior, journalism, public relations and new media), Megan Rollag (sophomore, international studies/Spanish) and Renie Saenz (Baylor Model UN assistant head delegate and junior, history)

Bottom row (L to R): Seti Tesefay (senior, international studies), Carissa Carlson (senior, international studies) and Jessica Abbey (Baylor Model UN publicity chair and senior, journalism, public relations and new media/Spanish)

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