On April 6, 1905, Theodore Roosevelt became the first U.S. president to visit Waco. More than 20,000 Wacoans showed up to welcome the President to town.
Baylor students were granted a half-day holiday from classes and provided with prime reserved seating to hear Roosevelt’s speech in Katy Park, Waco’s downtown baseball stadium. “Mr. Roosevelt is a college man and the placing of students directly in front of him here met with his approval,” the Baylor Lariat reported.
The Baylor band furnished the principal music for the occasion, and as President Roosevelt mounted the speaking platform the band played two verses of “America” as the students sang along. As far as T.R.’s speech went, the Lariat concluded it “was a good one and its moral effect will be wholesome.”
SOURCES: Baylor Lariat 4/1/1905 and 4/8/1905