LR #4: What does leadership mean to you?

Personal leadership is being yourself so much so that people want to emulate and follow you. Being a leader is knowing yourself, your limitations, your strengths, and how to communicate it all with others so that they can better understand you and maybe even themselves. Leading can be an act as small as a smile to as large as being the President of the United States of America. Being a leader is being adaptive. You must be able to “get on the balcony” (Northouse 261) and identify problems from an objective standpoint and “regulate stress” (Northouse 261) of yourself and others while facing all situations. When you manage stress, you are better able to face all circumstances and followers respond better to you when you are consistent and stable. Although it is important to “maintain disciplined attention” (Northouse 261) while problem solving in order to reach a productive solution, leaders should also maintain active “human skills” (Northouse 46). A leader cannot lead without followers or communicative, therefore, human skills are of great importance. People are a priority for leaders. Being sensitive to needs, worldviews, abilities, etc. of individual is vital to understanding and working well with others and leading them.

Global leadership is having a growing understanding and learning about other culture.
“Globalization” (Northouse 427) is huge part of our world today and, therefore, leaders to adapt to this change. As leaders “become competent in cross cultural awareness and practice,” they become more effective leaders in a broader scope of situations and societies. You cannot be a global leader and force if you do not understand what their customs or worldviews are. Expanding cultural knowledge also expands your power and capability as a leader as it helps you build relationships and lead people across the world.

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