LR #2: What’s your personal mission/leadership philosophy?

  1. First and foremost, I am a Christian. I believe that everyone is a son and daughter of the Christ the King and should be treated as such. Whatever I can do to help others realize their value in Christ and love them the way Christ would love them is what I am called to do and makes me who I am. My past has made me empathetic and adaptable to change, to people, and situations, as well, giving me great optimism and hope for the future.
  2. The values and convictions that I live by are:
    1. Courage & Confidence & Perseverance—“People with determination are willing to assert themselves, are proactive, and have the capacity to persevere in the face of obstacles” (Northouse 25).
    2. Kindness
    3. Integrity (Honesty & trust)—“People who adhere to a strong set of principles and take responsibility for their actions are exhibiting integrity” (Northouse 25).
    4. Christ-mindedness
    5. Family & community

Being courageous in all circumstances, with God at your side, you can conquer any situation. Confidence is key—being confidence in oneself and capabilities makes a difference in how you approach situation. Optimism and believing in yourself and trusting yourself can help you get far in life. Courage and confidence propel you forward and help you achieve your goals and embrace who you are in Christ. Perseverance is so important as it drives you accomplish and complete your goals and challenges set before you. Being kind is of great importance as well. No matter who you are or where you come from, everyone deserves kindness. Kindness leaves a huge impression on others as it breaks down interpersonal barriers and builds up relationships. Honesty and trust go hand in hand. As part of a community, which is the world as a whole, it is a moral obligation to have integrity in everything you do. Dishonesty does not build relationships with others and more important it doesn’t build up your relationship with yourself. If you don’t have honesty, you don’t have a firm foundation for trust, which is needed in everyday life with others and yourself. Staying vigilant in your relationship with Christ and making your life to reflect Him makes life worth living. If you don’t have Christ or love, you have nothing and you are bankrupt in your heart and soul—and then you are no good to anyone! Family and community are vital to personal and relational development. It provides a network, a support system, which is something that everyone needs in his or her life. No one can walk through life alone—if they do, it makes life difficult, burdensome, and unhappy.

  1. My leadership philosophies include:
    1. Inclusivity—“Being inclusive means understanding, valuing, and actively engaging diversity in views, approaches, styles, and aspects of individuality, such as gender or culture, that add multiple perspectives to a group’s activity” (Komives 108).
    2. Team (strong task and strong interpersonal relationships)

Part of being a leader is being part of team. You cannot be part of a team without collaboration and communication and consideration of the others on the team. I focus a lot on “both tasks and interpersonal relationships” (Northouse 77). I like to have set goals and I like accomplishing them—I need goals to look forward to and I enjoy the process of working in general. I find it important that the way in which I lead “leads to trust and respect” (Northouse 76) among all team members, including myself. This keeps the team working smoothly and efficiently. Each indivudal person brings something unique to the team—no one else can to exactly what they can because each person is different and special. Uniqueness adds greatness to a group. Multiple talents working together creates something new and irreplaceable. It unites team members when they are engaged and helps them focus on a common goal. They will feel useful and valued by their engagement and the team, therefore, becomes more efficient and pleasant to be in.

  1. The above propels what I want to achieve in the future. I want to help people and be the best me that I can be for Christ. I have part to play in the kingdom of God and it’s an honor that I don’t want to turn down! I love to be part of team and help other achieve their full potential in Christ and see themselves as Christ sees them. My aspirations right now for a career is to be an entrepreneur— and form my own organization with a cause (I did some brainstorming of my ideas for a business):
  • Fighting domestic violence
    • Counseling services
    • Partnering with an organization that already does this
  • Homelessness and starvation in the U.S.
    • Dignity and encouragement (help them up and out)
    • Food bank
    • Church matching and partnering
    • Shelters with Christ at the center
      • Bible studies
      • Community support
      • Pastor on call and in house
      • Job training
      • Financially advising
      • Clean clothes, showers, food
    • Art
      • The members of the homeless shelter create art and it is used to raise money for the non-profit organization
        • Emotional appeal
        • Giving back
        • Art therapy

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