Written on Jun, 29, 2016
by 19CRS
Elizabeth Barrett Browning Manuscript containing early poem drafts relating to “The Cry of the Children” (Browning Guide D0782): “Rock me softly–softly mother” “O pardon dear lady, for standing unsightly” Rare Item Analysis: By Tyler Cagle My rare item was a journal of Elizabeth…
Written on Jun, 15, 2016
by 19CRS
Elizabeth Barrett Browning manuscript of “The Island” (which completes the manuscript for the ABL collections, as the other half of the manuscript was already held by the ABL) Acquired December 2015
Written on Jun, 15, 2016
by 19CRS
Robert Browning letter to Lady Augusta Stanley, 23 November 1873 (plus an assortment of five Victorian and American pieces) Acquired December 2015
Written on Jun, 15, 2016
by 19CRS
A first edition of John Henry Newman’s Sermons Bearing on Subjects of the Day (London: Rivington, 1843). Inscribed by Newman to his lifelong friend Ambrose St. John. On his death in 1890, Newman’s body was, at his request, buried in the grave…
Written on Jun, 15, 2016
by 19CRS
A first edition of George MacDonald’s At the Back of the North Wind, with 76 illustrations after Arthur Hughes (London: Strahan & Co., 1871 [1870]), in original binding Acquired December 2015
Written on Jun, 15, 2016
by 19CRS
A collection of 72 ephemeral items bound together in a single volume, collected by William Jacobson, relating to the early years of the Oxford Movement (Various printers: 1835-1845), including a 10-line note from E. B. Pusey to Jacobson and several inscriptions from Pusey…
Written on Jun, 15, 2016
by 19CRS
A first separate edition (one of only 58 copies) of Thomas Carlyle’s Sartor Resartus. In Three Books. Reprinted for Friends from Fraser’s Magazine (London: James Fraser, 1834) Inscribed by Carlyle to his friend Edward Irving, who introduced Carlyle to his future wife Jane Welsh…
Written on Jun, 15, 2016
by 19CRS
A first edition of Baron George Gordon Byron’s The Siege of Corinth. A Poem. Parisina. A Poem (London: John Murray, 1816) Acquired December 2015
Written on Jun, 15, 2016
by 19CRS
Ten other letters, mostly to Miss Duff Gordon, with an assortment of pencil notes, envelopes, and cards; also two photographs, and two clippings Acquired November 2015
Written on Jun, 15, 2016
by 19CRS
Two Robert Browning letters to Miss Duff Gordon, 13 January 1885 and 11 March 1887 Acquired November 2015