blog hw 1 week 6

Take time to look at the FIVE components of the RELATIONAL LEADERSHIP MODEL.

1.Write each component down

  • The five components are process, inclusive, empowering, purpose, ethical

2.Under EACH component, list areas in which you are STRONG. LIST those strengths. Focus on them. Why are they strengths to you?

  • For purpose my strength is being able to impose vision on others.
  • For inclusion my strength is how diverse and cultured I am. Also my acceptingness of other people and their cultures.
  • For empowering my strength is my ability to make myself become involved with the group or whatever situation is going on.
  • For ethical my strength is my strong morals that I have that tells me how to live my life.
  • For process my strength is creating a good group dynamic and being mindful of others

3.Now, list areas where you are WEAK or can IMPROVE. List them – be specific. Focus on them. Why are they weaknesses to you?

  • Areas that I am weak in and can improve is my weakness at creating and accomplishing my goals. I am also sometimes too overbearing in my group dynamic and take control too much.

4.Would these be Strengths and/or Weaknesses to others? Why/Why not?

  • These would probably still be weaknesses in other people because it is pretty detrimental to one’s overall growth.

5.Which of the FIVE are most comfortable to you? Why?

  • I am most comfortable with the Inclusion one. This is because accepting people and making people feel welcome come natural to me, as I want everyone to do good and feel accepted and understood.

6.Which Components involve KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, or ATTITUDES not yet learned or developed. Focus on the Table 3.1 (slide 9) and write down at least THREE things from the Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes columns (A total of 9, and they can be from any of the five components of the model) that you know you need to focus on, develop, learn. Set a goal (e.g. write it down) of HOW you intend to do this. This goal may be something you can do easily OR it may be something that will have to mature over time. Be realistic and honest with yourself about these aspects of Relational Leadership

  • Some components not yet developed as well for me would be commitment, identifying goals, promoting self leadership, listening skills, believing in others, commitment to social responsibility, sharing, self esteem, and willing to share power. My goal will to be focus on my commitment and accomplishing my goals. I will do this by making sure I am up to date with my friends, family, and school by keeping a planner and getting enough sleep. This will probably be a more long term plan.

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