Blog hw #5 week 3

1.In your experience at work, or on a committee, or with a task group, what are the behaviors by others you most wish would change?

  • a behavior I would most change or get rid of would be pettiness or carelessness in ones work.

2.What would positive improvement look like?

  • positive improvement would look like someone actively changing for the better and actively working to improve themselves. It can be small things also like just waking up earlier or working out more.

3.What can you do to lead change in this area?

  • leading change in this area can take many different forms. Something I would like to do to lead change in this area would be to do some kind of service work and volunteering.

5.Is the “Impoverished management” style ever appropriate or desirable for an organization?

  • I think that unless the followers truly do not care about how good the leader is then it is okay, but normally I would think that its not generally a desirable trait to have.

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