[45] Flavin, Patrick. 2024. “State Government Control and Partisan Happiness.” Party Politics 30(6): 1161-68.
[44] Flavin, Patrick. 2024. “Democracy and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from Updated Global Data.” Social Indicators Research 174(1): 409-19.
[43] Flavin, Patrick and Gregory Shufeldt. 2024. “Citizens’ Perceptions of the Quality of Democracy in the American States.” Social Science Quarterly 105(3): 817-31.
[42] Flavin, Patrick and Gregory Shufeldt. 2024. “State Pride and the Quality of Democracy in the American States.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 54(2): 386-406.
[41] Ivey, Laura, Patrick Flavin, Katy Vogelaar, and Jessica L. Peck. 2024. “A Case for the Health Welfare of Texans – A Nurse Practitioner State Regulation Policy Analysis.” Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners 36(3): 171-79.
[40] Flavin, Patrick and Gregory Shufeldt. 2023. “What Does the Public Think About State Government Preemption of Local Policymaking?” State and Local Government Review 55(4): 333-47.
[39] DiSalvo, Daniel, Patrick Flavin, and Michael Hartney. 2023. “State Labor Laws and Government Responsiveness to Public Opinion.” Political Research Quarterly 76(3): 1475-85.
[38] Flavin, Patrick. 2023. “Is There a Tradeoff Between Policy Responsiveness and Government Effectiveness? Evidence From the American States.” American Politics Research 51(2): 174-81.
[37] Flavin, Patrick and Wilson Law. 2022. “Ideological Proximity, Issue Importance, and Vote Choice.” Electoral Studies 75: 102422.
[36] Flavin, Patrick and William W. Franko. 2020. “Economic Segregation and Unequal Policy Responsiveness.” Political Behavior 42: 845-64.
[35] Flavin, Patrick and Fielding Montgomery. 2020. “Freedom of the Press and Perceptions About Government Corruption.” International Political Science Review 41(4): 554-66.
[34] Flavin, Patrick and Gregory Shufeldt. 2020. “Explaining State Preemption of Local Laws: Political, Institutional, and Demographic Factors.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 50(2): 280-309.
[33] Flavin, Patrick, Alexander C. Pacek, and Benjamin Radcliff. 2019. “Labor Market Regulation and Subjective Well-Being in Low-Income Countries.” European Journal of Political Research 58(4): 1088-1107.
[32] Flavin, Patrick and Gregory Shufeldt. 2019. “Comparing Two Measures of Electoral Integrity in the American States.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 19(1) 83-100. [Online Appendix]
[31] Flavin, Patrick. 2019. “State Government Public Goods Spending and Citizens’ Quality of Life.” Social Science Research 78: 28-40.
[30] Flavin, Patrick. 2018. “Labor Union Strength and the Equality of Political Representation.” British Journal of Political Science 48(4): 1075-91.
[29] Flavin, Patrick. 2018. “State Medicaid Expansion and Citizens’ Quality of Life.” Social Science Quarterly 99(2): 616-25. [Online Appendix]
[28] Flavin, Patrick and William W. Franko. 2017. “Government’s Unequal Attentiveness to Citizens’ Political Priorities.” Policy Studies Journal 45(4): 659-87.
[27] Altman, David, Patrick Flavin, and Benjamin Radcliff. 2017. “Democratic Institutions and Subjective Well-Being.” Political Studies 65(3): 685-704.
[26] Flavin, Patrick and Michael T. Hartney. 2017. “Racial Inequality in Democratic Accountability: Evidence from Retrospective Voting in Local Elections.” American Journal of Political Science 61(3): 684-97.
[25] Flavin, Patrick and Julie Nelson. 2017. “District Voter Turnout and Dyadic Representation in Congress.” Congress & the Presidency 44(2): 201-11.
[24] Flavin, Patrick and Gregory Shufeldt. 2016. “Party Competition and Citizens’ Political Attitudes in the American States.” Electoral Studies 44: 235-44.
[23] Flavin, Patrick and Gregory Shufeldt. 2016. “Labor Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in the United States.” Labor Studies Journal 41(2): 171-84.
[22] Flavin, Patrick and Michael T. Hartney. 2015. “When Government Subsidizes Its Own: Collective Bargaining Laws as Agents of Political Mobilization.” American Journal of Political Science 59(4): 896-911. [Supporting Information]
[21] Flavin, Patrick and Gregory Shufeldt. 2015. “State Party Competition and Citizens’ Political Engagement.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties 25(4): 444-62.
[20] Flavin, Patrick. 2015. “Campaign Finance Laws, Policy Outcomes, and Political Equality in the American States.” Political Research Quarterly 68(1): 77-88. [Supplemental Material]
[19] Flavin, Patrick. 2015. “Lobbying Regulations and Political Equality in the American States.” American Politics Research 43(2): 304-26.
[18] Flavin, Patrick. 2015. “Direct Democracy and Political Equality in the American States.” Social Science Quarterly 96(1): 119-32.
[17] Flavin, Patrick. 2014. “State Campaign Finance Laws and the Equality of Political Representation.” Election Law Journal 13(3): 362-74.
[16] Flavin, Patrick, Alexander C. Pacek, and Benjamin Radcliff. 2014. “Assessing the Impact of the Size and Scope of Government on Human Well-Being.” Social Forces 92(4): 1241-58. [Online Appendix]
[15] Hartney, Michael and Patrick Flavin. 2014. “The Political Foundations of the Black-White Education Achievement Gap.” American Politics Research 42(1): 3-33.
[14] Flavin, Patrick and Richard Ledet. 2013. “Religion and Government Corruption in the American States.” Public Integrity 15(4): 329-43.
[13] Flavin, Patrick. 2013. “Policy Representation and Evaluations of State Government.” State and Local Government Review 45(3): 139-52. [Additional Analyses]
[12] Flavin, Patrick. 2012. “Does Higher Voter Turnout Among the Poor Lead to More Equal Policy Representation?” Social Science Journal 49(4): 405-12.
[11] Shufeldt, Gregory and Patrick Flavin. 2012. “Two Distinct Concepts: Party Competition in Government and Electoral Competition in the American States.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 12(3): 330-42.
[10] Flavin, Patrick and Michael J. Keane. 2012. “Life Satisfaction and Political Participation: Evidence from the United States.” Journal of Happiness Studies 13(1): 63-78.
[9] Flavin, Patrick. 2012. “Income Inequality and Policy Representation in the American States.” American Politics Research 40(1): 29-59.
[8] Flavin, Patrick and Benjamin Radcliff. 2011. “Labor Union Membership and Voting Across Nations.” Electoral Studies 30(4): 633-41.
[7] Hartney, Michael and Patrick Flavin. 2011. “From the Schoolhouse to the Statehouse: Teacher Union Political Activism and U.S. State Education Reform Policy.” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 11(3): 251-68.
[6] Griffin, John D. and Patrick Flavin. 2011. “How Citizens and Their Legislators Prioritize Spheres of Representation.” Political Research Quarterly 64(3): 520-33.
[5] Flavin, Patrick, Alexander C. Pacek, and Benjamin Radcliff. 2011. “State Intervention and Subjective Well-Being in Advanced Industrial Democracies.” Politics & Policy 39(2): 251-69.
[4] Flavin, Patrick, Alexander C. Pacek, and Benjamin Radcliff. 2010. “Labor Unions and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from New Data.” Social Indicators Research 98(3): 435-49.
[3] Flavin, Patrick and John D. Griffin. 2009. “Policy, Preferences, and Participation: Government’s Impact on Democratic Citizenship.” Journal of Politics 71(2): 544-59.
[2] Flavin, Patrick and Benjamin Radcliff. 2009. “Public Policies and Suicide Rates in the American States.” Social Indicators Research 90(2): 195-209.
[1] Griffin, John D. and Patrick Flavin. 2007. “Racial Differences in Information, Expectations, and Accountability.” Journal of Politics 69(1): 220-36.
Other Publications
Flavin, Patrick. 2017. “Political Equality in the American States: What We Know and What We Still Need to Learn.” State and Local Government Review 49(1): 60-9.
Flavin, Patrick and Gregory Shufeldt. 2017. “The State of the Minimum Wage: Federalism, Economic Policy, and Workers’ Well-Being.” The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics 15(1): 167-87