Throughout the program you are going to learn a lot about various topics.  One medium that Baylor uses a lot is books and articles.  The level and amount of reading changes per class,  but during the course of a semester you most likely read a few books and 40+ articles.  Don’ t let this scare you because as I mentioned, it is possible!

A few tips to help you keep up:
1.Find your space to read – maybe it is just me, but I need to read at home on the couch.  It is my spot where I feel like I funny-readingread the best.  What is yours?
2.Find your medium – whether it be book, eBook or audio book find the best way that you comprehend the material.
3. Take notes! – Find time during your reading to pause and jot down a few notes on main themes or a specific detail that would be beneficial to bring up.
4.Understand where the author is coming from – this will give you a decent perspective of background and scope of the article
5.Put it in perspective – try to understand the purpose of the book or article and how it correlates with class discussion

Hope this helps!

Sic ‘Em Bears!