
To need support and love is not a weakness. Everyone should realize this. Relying on others is necessary for survival and is fundamental to living a full life. Unfortunately, numerous people, including myself, believe the lie that complete self-sufficiency is strength during their lifetime.

IMG_0480I went away from home for school originally with the intent to prove my strength and worth as a person. I was quickly lonely because I remained in community with those far away, but didn’t plug myself in where I was. It was incredibly hard and painful.

The idea of being in community with one another is nothing new at all. Check out these many examples in the bible:

“Bear one another’s burdens”   -Galatians 6:2

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”    -Hebrews 10:24-25

God even admits that solitude is not good in Genesis:

“”Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.””    -Genesis 2:18

IMG_0615No one should suffer independently and no one should celebrate alone. This act of provision affirms the fact that solitude is, in fact, unpleasant. These texts display the desperate need for community throughout history. And as the work of God, they show a benevolent creator who desires something and provides beneficial for his people.

IMG_9966I believe strongly that they are truths that should be acted upon. In my time at Baylor, I celebrated when my friend made an outstanding grade on a difficult biology exam. I cried with a friend as she fought to find her worth.  But even apart from Baylor, I listened to my seventeen-year-old brother over the phone as he explained how it felt to have his heart broken for the first time. I was able to call my sister who finally graduated to the second level of her program at a boarding school after months of difficult work. To be more Christ-like, I hope I have been able to show my love and support through these actions to those who need it.

However, I failed to seek out the support that I desperately needed. I was able to be strong for others, but my own heart was draining, and therefore what I gave wasn’t as rich because I was running on empty. I didn’t let anyone in when I was dealing with a difficult break-up right before finals first semester. I didn’t lean on anyone when I was homesick for my family and the mountains. I didn’t seek out wise council over tough choices I needed to make. I didn’t commit to a church community where I could seek God alongside other followers.

Before college, I understood strength as being able to live on your own and construct a way by yourself. However, within the past few months, it has become clear that I can lean on others (and God) when life becomes challenging or unmanageable, and it does takes a lot of courage to ask for support in your weakest moments.

I encourage you to seek community that is ferociously genuine. And understand that it is not weakness to need support, but rather something we have been created for.

  1. You always have such lovely words of wisdom. God has gifted you with being able to communicate truth clearly. Thank you for your incredible posts!

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