Monthly Archives: January 2009

January 12 Team Dinner @ Lalibela


 The first week of the semester and everyone took time to come to a team meeting at a local Ethiopian restaurant. There are many forms to fill out, issues to discuss, handouts to read. Topics ranged from what to drink, what to wear, how to pack and prayer. Mosquito nets to electricity adaptors life will be different from our usual routine.

   The work we do will challenge and stretch our abilities. We will be tired and out of our element. The people we see will have stories unlike any we have heard and our ability to respond will feel, at times, inadequate. Caring for each other and ourselves will enable us to do the work that God would have us do. We will rest and encourage our team members to take a break. We will continually lift the team, the mission, our partners and those we serve up in prayer.   

   Our trip is rapidly approaching and our plans our coming together.  I am thrilled by the opportunity that the trip presents and honored and blessed to have so many great team members.