Chapter 2: Trait Approach 

Lauren Dodge 

Dr. Wood  

Leadership 1301 

28 August 2018 

Review Questions 

Chapter 2: Trait Approach 

  1. What noted researchers are associated with leadership traits?

According to the book, Stogdill, Mann, Lord, Devader, Alliger, Kirkpatrick and many more researchers are associated with leadership traits.  

  1. What methods have researchers used to investigate leadership traits?

Many researchers started their investigations with the ideas of social intelligence. They studied the average IQ and found that leaders tend to have higher intelligence than non-leaders. As IQ increased, so did perceived leadership.  

  1. Which traits are cited most often in research results?

Intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability. 

  1. What does the trait approach suggest about effective organizational leadership?

The trait approach suggests that those with the designated leadership traits will have better organizational skills and an organization will run better.  

  1. How might the trait approach be used for personal awareness and development?

Leaders and non-leaders would be able to learn about their strengths and weaknesses. They will be able to learn more about themselves as a leader.  

  1. How has the focus of trait research shifted over time?

It has shifted from the research on traits and which ones define a leader to how they interact and relate to each other.  

  1. What are the Big 5 personality factors and how do they relate to leadership?

Extraversion, or being sociable and assertive to having positive energy is the number one most important leadership trait. Conscientiousness had the highest correlation with overall job performance. The others, openness and agreeableness have to do with trusting and being open to others ideas which makes a leader trustworthy and admirable themselves. A leader must have low neuroticism to make them more trustworthy and dependable.  

  1. What are strengths of the trait approach?

The triad approach promotes personal awareness and development, will help set personal goals and is appealing to others as a leader.  

  1. What are criticisms of the trait approach?

There are too many traits that could define a leader and the traits used are subjective leader by leader. Traits could be physical and not real life.  

  1. How well do the 10 items on the questionnaire correspond with the five major leadership traits listed in Table 2.2?

All traits are mentioned or related to many of the traits on the questionnaire with the exception of intelligence.    

  1. What is charisma?

Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others. 

  1. What traits distinguish charismatic leaders from others?

Charismatic leaders aren’t only inspiration when reaching a goal but they also inspire others to devote themselves to something. They approach things internally.  

  1. How does the trait approach fit with the four components of leadership?

You can apply the traits to managers, other positions and leaders and put goals in place for leaders based on these traits. You can pin point strengths and weaknesses.  

  1. What is the relationship between a leader’s IQ and how he/she is perceived as a leader? Studies found that as the IQ of a person increased, so did their perceived leadership.
  2. According to research, do the smartest people make the best leaders? Why or why not?

Yes. The book says “intelligence is concerned with our ability to learn.” Based on the traits, a leader must be open minded and willing to learn from others. Like in the previous question, scientists found that leaders had higher IQs.  

  1. What is the difference between a trait and a talent?

Both a trait and a talent involve learning a skill but talent is the application of traits and knowledge from these traits.  

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